Download the CLARION library beta version 6.0.5 here.


download the patch here.

To replace the old code within the CLARION library version 6.0.5 with this patch (clarion.jar - code only):


--- If you are simply using the old clarion.jar file as an external resource library, all you have to do is simply replace the old version with the new version (i.e., just copy the new version to the same location on your hard-drive as the old copy).


--- If you have imported the clarion.jar file into a project (in order to view/manipulate the code), you must delete the old clarion.system,, and clarion.samples packages from that project and reimport the new clarion.jar file (instructions on how to that is in the readme.html file that came with the last official release).


In addition, there are some VERY IMPORTANT caveats that should be noted for anyone who wishes to use this code (this patch):


1. This code is NOT an official release and as such is incomplete with regards to documentation (javadoc, tutorials, etc.).


2. Several previous methods, parameters, etc. (specifically as it relates to the initialization of a CLARION agent) have changed (and in some cases changed substantially). This will likely cause compile-time errors in any code that was written using the older versions. In most cases, fixing the code to account for these changes is fairly trivial. However if anyone is having trouble with this, contact and I will respond ASAP.


3. The forthcoming official release (6.1; targeted for early August; possibly in C#) will DRASTICALLY change the way the library is used (as well as changing the way simulations are written). Therefore, anyone who is interested in using the intermediate update of the code (i.e., the above patch) to do any large-scale implementations should be forewarned that the next release will likely not work with large portions of the code they write to setup and interact with the CLARION Library.


4. This intermediate release contains some code segments (such as the EpisodicMemory class and the JudgementCorrectionModule/Equation) that were written while in the process of developing interim aspects of the system. These code segments were/are NOT finalized parts of the system (although they are programmatically stable). Furthermore, these pieces of code will be either discontinued (and removed) or largely restructured in all future releases of the CLARION Library. Therefore, they should NOT be used.


Again, if anyone has any questions or problems, contact me through the support email (i.e., This email address is accessed directly within my email client so it is as good a method of contacting me as any other method (i.e., other email address).


Nick Wilson