Rensselaer Department of Cognitive Science

Busy Beaver

Let us define the productivity of a binary alphabet Turing-machine to be the number of 1's that a halting Turing machine prints out when started on an empty tape. The Busy Beaver function BB(n) is now defined as the maximum productivity of a Turing-machine with n states. Any machine with n states whose productivity equals BB(n) is called a Busy Beaver. The Busy Beaver problem is to find these Busy Beavers for various values of n.

The Busy Beaver function was formulated and shown to be Turing-uncomputable by Tibor Rado in 1962. However, for low values of n, BB(n) can be found. Finding these values creates interesting engineering challenges (how to find Busy Beavers in the vast space of all possible computer programs), and also raises fundamental philosophical questions (what are the theoretical boundaries of computation and demonstration?). To address these challenges and questions, the Busy Beaver Project: A New Milennium Attack was created as a multidisciplinary project between the departments of Cognitive Science and Computer Science.

As of to date, the project has born a number of fruits. Undergraduate students Kyle Ross and Owen Kellett were instrumental in confirming and breaking a number of Busy Beaver records in the 4-tuple Turing-machine realm. At the same time, we seem to have quickly reached an epistemological 'wall' where it has become an enormous challenge to prove that some Turing-machine is in fact a Busy Beaver, which is very interesting from a philosophical and cognitive point of view.