PHIL/PSYC 2100 - Critical Thinking

Journal Grading

Entries 1, 2, and 9 are worth 4 points each, according to the following rubric:

0: You did not submit the entry or did not provide a source

1: Your passage does not contain an example of what you thought it contained, or there is really serious problem with this entry

2: There are significant problems with your analysis.

3: There are some small problems with your analysis.

4: Good job

Each sub-entry for 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are worth 2 points each, according to the following rubric:

0: You did not submit the entry or did not provide a source

1: There are some small problems with your analysis.

2: Good job

Your journal as a whole will also be scored on:

Variety, Originality, and Difficulty (0-6 points): Did you pick some challenging and original passages, from a variety of sources?

Presentation (0-4 points): Did you present your entries and analyses in a neat and readable manner?

Relevance (0-4 points): Did you cover subjects that are 'hot', on the public radar screen, of local importance, of personal importance, etc?

All total, your journal score is out of 50 points.

Please note that you can redo any entry during the semester without any penalty!