IHSS-1140 Minds & Machines

All Sections

Thursday Night Lectures

Fall 2018


On thursday nights all sections come together and listen to a lecture and/or watch a movie or video pertaining to the material as discussed that week or the next week.

A note on laptops: You are allowed to use your laptop for taking notes ... and for taking notes only! Watching videos, playing games, surfing, messaging, Facebooking, Twittering, or any other form of laptop use that does not pertain directly to the material presented is rude and distracts the people sitting behind you. Of course, the same goes for your phones or other devices.

Date Topic Guest Speaker/Video/Movie Presentation
8/30 No Lecture  


Real Minds and Machines

Movie: The Matrix What is Real?
9/13 Conscious Minds and Machines Video: Secrets of the Mind Brains and Consciousness

Logical Minds and Machines

Guest Speaker: Selmer Bringsjord

"Why RPI Undergrads are Smarter then Princeton Undergrads — If Things Go Well Tonight."

Free Minds and Machines

Free Will

Distinct Minds and Machines

Video: Tuvix Personal Identity

Artificial Minds and Machines

Video: Data on Trial The Turing Test

Brilliant Minds and Machines

Movie: Codebreaker

Interactive Minds and Machines

Guest Speaker: ?
11/1 Cathy O'Neill

11/15 Musical Minds and Machines Guest Speaker: Mary Simoni? Enhanced Minds
11/22 Thanksgiving! (no class)
11/29 ? Minds and Machines Guest Speaker: Selmer Bringsjord?  
12/6 Lego Robots Round-up!!!!