
Contact your local travel agencies

Visa and Passport:

Check with the Canadian embassy/consulate near you


Conference Hotel:
Contact the conference hotel (Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre) directly, before Thursday, July 6, 2006, using any of the methods outlined below:

When you call, it is imperative that you state "Cognitive Science Society" to receive the special rate (US$ 150.00).

CogSci 2006 attendees are strongly urged to stay at the conference hotel.

Rooms are available on a first-come-first-served basis. So reserve early.

Overflow Hotel:
Overflow rooms are available at the Sutton Place Hotel, which is 4 blocks from Sheraton Wall Centre. Rooms at the Sutton Place Hotel start at $207 CAD (about $188 USD). See the reservation information here
Other Hotels:
If you cannot get a room at the conference hotel (Sheraton Wall Centre) or at the Sutton Place Hotel, you might try one of the hotels in the list below. These hotels are not holding rooms specifically for CogSci attendees and are not offering reduced rates, but they did have some availability at the rates below as of June 14.

Local Information:

Further Information About Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre

The Web Site of Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre

Vancouver Tourism Information