Montage, collage, drawings or photographic works
processing or combinations thereof

(3) Large Format Archival Prints 
Epson 9800 prints minimum size 42” x 36”,
max size 84” x 42”
(at least one on canvass)

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: C:\Users\ruiz\Desktop\Advanced Digital Imaging\AdvancedDigitalImaging\HochSanstitre.jpg
HÖCH, Hannah, Sans titre, 1920

You can use any of the themes from the topics list, or from your own set of concerns and work them into highly developed, finished large scale works using any using any technique of montage, collage, drawings or photographic works or combinations thereof

Wafa Bilal Large Format Prints:

PRINTING TO OUR EPSON 98,000 High end printer:
Large format information and schedule:

* use high end monitors to view your image, do not rely on your laptop monitor for high end printing

Working with Large Format Printing
* Working in RAW format Adobe Camera Raw
* ideal resolution

Photographic Sculpture

Printing and Painting on Digital Canvass

Processing see below

Other Techniques
Advanced Photoshop tutorials:
Create a Fantasy Out the Door Wallpaper in Photoshop

* Puppet Warp

* Russel Brown free podcasts

* Duotone: Duotone, Tritone, Quadtone

* TECHNOLOGY   | July 14, 2010
Turning Snapshots Into Works of Art
Several companies offer options for digital photographs beyond simple enlargement. These services cost more than the one-hour photo hut, but the results can be stunning.