Montage & Collage

Photomontage: the technique of combining in a single composition pictorial elements from various sources, as parts of different photographs or fragments of printing, either to give the illusion that the elements belonged together originally or to allow each element to retain its separate identity as a means of adding interest or meaning to the composition.

Collage: a technique of composing a work of art by pasting on a single surface various materials not normally associated with one another, as newspaper clippings, parts of photographs, theater tickets, and fragments of an envelope.

A Short History of Photomontage/Collage
John Heartfield

Hannah Hoch   Wiki Hoch

Digital Photomontage Samples:

Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison

Oliver Wasaw

Mariko Mori

Alexander Apóstol

Andreas Gursky

Jeff Wall

The Giant 

Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge


Other artists and works:

Fiona Amundsen The First City in History
John Lake The Campus
Simon Starling Autoxylopyrocycloboros
Kohei Yoshiyuki The Park

Camera Work offers four different takes on photography. Loosely organised around the idea of photography as a research tool, these four projects offer different working methodologies and presentation techniques, to test the visibility of the medium and its claims to historical truth. In turn, the exhibition challenges and extends the documentary claims of the photographic medium. Camera Work is staged during the New Zealand International Arts Festival.

Fiona Amundsen's The First City in History (2010) forms part of a larger project, which tracks the impact of World War Two across parts of Asia and eventually the Pacific.  Focusing on the Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima, Japan, Amundsen uses the camera to closely study public space, embracing the medium's indexical relation to reality to reconfigure how historical, cultural and political meanings are invested not in overt symbols located on site but through careful acts of perception, recognition, interpretation and extrapolation on the part of the viewer.


The Campus (2011) is John Lake's response to an invitation to capture life on campus at Victoria University of Wellington. Developed over the course of 2011, this project has produced a fascinating archive of visual material that will enter the university art collection as a suite of ten framed photographs, an artist's book and an archive of raw video footage. Presented for the exhibition as a situation that invites discussion, The Campus shows how a research endeavour that set out to capture the mundane activities of university life turned into a quest to grant deeper insights into the social, cultural and political forces that power relations in this or any educational institution.

Simon Starling's Autoxylopyrocycloboros (2006) is a slide piece that tracks the reclamation and destruction of a small wooden steamboat on a loch in Scotland which is also base to Trident submarines that carry nuclear weapons as part of Britain's defence programme. Using old technology (steam propulsion and slide projection), Starling offers a pointed critique of our all-too-human investment in progress that is at once absurd and telling.


During the 1970s, photographer Kohei Yoshiyuki frequented Tokyo's Shinjuku, Yoyogi, and Aoyama parks at night. Armed with a 35mm camera infrared film, and filtered flash bulbs, he documented the men and women who gathered there for clandestine trysts, as well as others lurking in the bushes who watched them and sometimes participated in their couplings. According to Martin Parr, The Park is 'a brilliant piece of social documentation, capturing perfectly the loneliness, sadness, and desperation that so often accompany sexual or human relationships in a big, hard metropolis like Tokyo.'


Perspective and photography


Margi Geerlinks

Annette Weintraub

Anthony Goicolea

Martina Lopez

David Hockney  Hockney: Pearblossom Highway and video (3:12)

Narratives in Painting and Photographic Imaging:

Hieronymous Bosch Flemish painter 1450-1516

Saying things with photographs:
Dorothea Lange
Dorothea Lange

James Nachtwey

Center for Land Use Interpretation


Cartesian linearity:

Contrast with

Hyperbolic Spaces and thinking:


Opinion Art


balloon art