Web Portfolio & Documentation

Please create a web portfolio of all perfected works


If you do not know hand coding or Adobe Dreamweaver, you can try any of these apps:

Google Sites:
Video how to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjsoX5Md4Y8

Wordpress blog http://www.wordpress.com 

Microsoft Word you  can even make a page in Microsoft Word and simply save it as a .html and upload to your RCS homepage http://dotcio.rpi.edu/services/web-data-collaboration/web-publishing/personal-home-pages

Squarespace https://www.squarespace.com/?channel=pbr&subchannel=go&campaign=pbr-dr-go-us-en-squarespace-general-e&subcampaign=(brand-general_square-space_e)&gclid=Cj0KCQiAg_HhBRDNARIsAGHLV52YtzZ8Xr5DI4XTeR10TL0tWWTS_-eklmG89-w-QUv-BGo1q-ZnuBwaAoQIEALw_wcB


http://www.tumblr.com yes, you can just use a tumblr blog as a portfolio

http://www.vimeo.com just videos, but high-quality and more professional than YouTube. You can embed videos from Vimeo into other sites, so you could use Wordpress to make your portfolio site, use Vimeo to host your videos, and embed them in the word press pages.