The Future of Games & Guts
Games & Guts was initially taught as a senior-level topics course in the Department of the Arts at Rensselaer. Because of its popularity, it will be mainstreamed in the fall of 2002 with a course entitled "The Art of Gaming".

The Art of Gaming
The Art of Gaming is a hands-on studio arts course focusing on the creation of workable game prototypes using a variety of two and three dimensional interactive multimedia applications and materials. Games are analyzed as cultural artifacts reflecting behavior, the representation of gender and multimedia design and delivery systems. The crafting of new interface modalities that go beyond existing gaming paradigms is a primary goal.
A short history of games and gaming leads to an archeology and analysis of personal gaming preferences. We review the elements which go into making a compelling gaming experience including storytelling, action, character design, motion, rules, game play, level design, visualization, sound design, implementation, and time frame. Games will be considered as a new, unnamed as yet, genre stemming from film and interactive experiences with the computer. Socio cultural awareness, game theory, games as art and game delivery systems will be covered.

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