Assignments/Due Dates

Course Assessment/Measures:  Assignments:
please see assignments website for more detail

1. Personal Game Archeology & Analysis
due Aug 28

Archeology and analysis of personal gaming preferences from:
a. childhood and
b. today as an adult.
Research and present a short power point or html presentation and demonstration of your favorite game/toy as a child and why it was your favorite, and your favorite game/toy as an adult and why. Include a brief history of the origins of each game, and why this is/was a compelling game experience for you. Include references in your presentation—web links, documentation, the socio-political context of the game/toy you have chosen and its use.


2. 3. 4. 5. Indy Pangaea Mobile Game Temporary Team Based, due in 3 parts

Working collaboratively in temporary teams, (ideally creating a balanced team consisting of the following talents: visual artist, programmer, engineer, sound composer & designer, manager) you will do in-depth research into existing mobile/hand held games. After meeting with the client, Ralph Brill, your team will then design, create and produce an original workable game prototype for Project Pangaea and the parameters of the IAT International Appalachian Trail Project for client review and possible (paid) inclusion into the IAT Project for further development. Each person in the group must detail their contributions throughout the process.

2. Research and Idea Sketches
due Sept 4

Power Point Research Presentation on Existing Mobile Games/Technology: power point research presentation on existing mobile, hand held, and locative games that include environment, trail hiking/biking, art, educational, commercial and social media games. This presentation should cover your team’s explorations into the technical, philosophical and theoretical aspects of mobile game design, development, production and distribution.

Research findings in Power point presentation with references, links
Preliminary Sketches of Original Game Designs: After researching, discussing and understanding the history of Pangaea and the IAT (International Appalachian Trail) (The director will come to class Sept 11) and using your own experience and previous research on what games/toys were engaging to you from the Game Archeology & Analysis study, temporary teams create an original game based on the parameters of Project Pangaea and the International Appalachian Trail to excite and engage people to get out and experience the trail, the countries, the people, nature, international travel and relations, fresh air, good health, food and drink, and life beyond the computer. This could be an educational game, an environment game, a cartography game, a puzzle game, a geocaching game (finding hidden things in the woods, or on the trial), a commercial game, a social media game, a tween or teen game, a college age game, young 20’s, 30’s, young family game older person’s game, etc. Do your market research see what is already out there, then create your own original ideas.
Original ideas are more important than polished graphics and optimized code for this part of the study.)

* concept ideas and sketches
* storyboards
* GAME DESIGN DOCUMENT TEMPLATE rough out ideas as they develop, refine and build over the course of the project

* Game Structure template
* Answer Ernest Adams Game Design Philosophy Questions:
  - What dreams does the game fulfill?
  - What is the player going to do?
  - What are the physical, intellectual, emotional, economic and ethical spaces of the game world?
* List of technical information and methodologies of production: any necessary software, SDKs, and APIs, etc. needed.

Readings: due Sept 4
* your research readings and
* The Civic Tripod for Mobile and Games: Activism, Art and Learning Released in IJLM Volume 3 :: Issue 3 / MIT Press
* Experimental gameplay project - How to Prototype a Game in Under 7 Days
*create a short, one page, printed reaction paper to each of the above

Optional Extra Credit Readings for Masters and Ph.D. Students:
Homo Ludens: A study of the Play Element in Culture by Johan Huizinga
* Man, Play, and Games by Roger Caillois


3. Workable game prototypes
Due Sept 11
Prototypes or games in an embryonic state, something between a developed idea and a full game. Think of them as short studies or experiments. They should be playable or, at the very least, the mechanics should be evident. You can choose any tools and techniques you find most adequate to develop your ideas.

Readings: due Sept 11
* your research readings and
* On the Edge of the Magic Circle Understanding Role-Playing and Pervasive Games, pages 101 to 137 by MARKUS MONTOLA
*create a short, one page, printed reaction paper to each of the above

Optional Extra Credit Readings for Masters and Ph.D. Students:
* Learning to Play or Playing to Learn - A Critical Account of the Models of Communication Informing Educational Research on Computer Gameplay
by Hans Christian Arnseth


4. Refinement of games
Due Sept 18

prototypes are now refined based on class feedback and further research and technical development

Readings: due Sept 18
* your research readings

Optional, but interesting, info on revenues from indy mobile apps:


5. Completed polished indy game
Due Sept 25
Presentation and client review

Readings: due Sept 25
* your research readings
* Play as Design by Brenda Laurel Play as Design by Eric Zimmerman
*create a short, one page, printed reaction paper to
each of the above

Final Project Experimental Game Trajectory
working with permanent teams from this point out


6. Prototype 1 Concepts  Informal presentation
due Oct 2

First ideas about your game
Please include the following: These are all
ITERATIVE and will be changed and perfected as your ideas unfold.
* Concept ideas and sketches
* storyboards
* rough Game Design Document
GAME DESIGN DOCUMENT TEMPLATE reflecting the progress as your refine and reiterate your game
* Game Structure template
* Answer Ernest Adams Game Design Philosophy Questions:
  - What dreams does the game fulfill?
  - What is the player going to do?
  - What are the physical, intellectual, emotional, economic and ethical spaces of the game world?
List of technical information and methodologies of production: any necessary software, SDKs, and APIs, etc. needed.

Please remember that your completed game project is an innovative, original, purposeful work which goes beyond conventional style gaming paradigms and shows depth of creative goals, sensitivity to social issues, and quality of interaction. The game must be functional, or at the very least demonstrate some dynamic game play with a high end trailer illustrating the core game play concepts, and it must be accompanied by a completed, (web ready, standalone) game design document and a well-designed poster.

Readings:  due Oct 2
* From Sun Tzu to Xbox: War and Video Games by Ed Halter
* Baudrillard and Hollywood: subverting the mechanism of control and The Matrix by Jim Rovira
* The Oxymoron of Virtual Violence, J. Baudrillard
*create a short, one page, printed reaction paper to each of the above

Optional Extra Credit Readings for Masters and Ph.D. Students:
* Origins of FPS by Galloway
* Lenoir-Lowood_TheatersOfWar

See: Oct 2 Film Directed by Alan Schneider with a talk with film theorist Ed Halter


7. Phase I Proposal  Formal Group Presentation
due Oct 9

team meetings with Game Industry Experts

rethink and refine your project based on your resonation of the feedback your team received in class previously:
* concept ideas and sketches
* storyboards
GAME DESIGN DOCUMENT TEMPLATE with blocked out time frame of production
* Game Structure template
list of technical information and methodologies of production: any necessary software, SDKs, and APIs, etc. needed.
* produce new work and progress on your game assets including design, art, programming, etc.

Readings: due Oct 9
* Complete Freedom of Movement: Video Games as Gendered PlaySpaces by Henry Jenkins
*create a short, one page, printed reaction paper for the above
*create a short, one page, printed reaction paper for each

Optional Extra Credit Readings for Masters and Ph.D. Students:
* The Construction of Experience: Interface as Content David Rokeby
*Everything But the Words: A Dramatic Writing Primer for Gamers
by Hal Barwood
* Storytelling in Action by Bob Bates
* The Rhetoric of Video Games by Ian Bogost
* Materials for an exploratory theory of the network society by Manuel Castells
* Delightful Identification & Persuasion: Towards an Analytical and Applied Rhetoric of Digital Games by
Steffen P. Walz


8. Phase II Reiteration Informal presentation
due Oct 16

Midterm assessments
(please upload all perfected work to drop box for evaluation)

* produce new research, work and progress on your game assets
* present a creative statement including treatment, narrative, more refined story board, and at least 5 citations of games/ websites/readings/ literature/ films that have influenced your team’s research

Reality check on scope of project, schedule, including individual responsibilities and deadlines, more refined game design document, (conceptual geography, maps, scenarios, trainers, strategies, symbolism, scoring, rules, etc.)
Reflect all work to date in your GAME DESIGN DOCUMENT TEMPLATE as a working evolving document

due Oct 16
final project research readings

Optional Extra Credit Readings for Masters and Ph.D. Students:
A Game of One’s Own: Towards a New Gendered Poetics of Digital Space by Tracy Fullerton, Jacquelyn Ford Morie, and Celia Pearce


9. Phase III Game Prototype Formal Group Presentation
due Oct 23

* gameplay experiments showing clear proof of concept
* evidence of progress incorporating critical feedback, polishing and refinement of content, assets, methodology, and delivery system
* definitive schedule for entire project which will be used as clear milestones for further project development
* your team’s progress of the above reflected in your evolving game design document including game overview sheet, answers to the philosophical question section, and schedule. Please print and hand in prior to your team’s presentation in class.

Related Readings: final project research readings


10. Phase IV Game Content  Informal presentation
due Oct 30

* evidence of refinement and progress on your team’s project in design, development, gameplay and depth of research
Related Readings: final project research readings


11. Phase V Refinement & Formal Group Presentation
due Nov6

* Refinement and progress on your team’s project for pre-review and three week trajectory for individual team work

Related Readings:
final project research readings


 12. Phase VI Further Refinement & Informal Group Presentation
due Nov 13

* Refinement and progress on your team’s project based on critiques
* Play Testing Plans due
* Printed Project Posters 34” x 24”

 Instructions for Printing your Poster at the VCC (Voorhees Computing Center) on the RCS Public Plotters:

You need to configure your computer with the proper drivers in order to print to the plotter
and for general info:
The plotter paper is 36 inches wide, but the actual content space is 34 inches. So your document should be 36 wide, but have an inch of whitespace on either side.
The minimum height is 24 inches, but I would recommend the same amount of padding there. If your poster is vertical you can of course rotate it to fit into this space for the lowest cost. File formats: .jpg or even a .png file works from a well configured computer, but to ensure success you should make a PDF. You can possibly use Photoshop and output your file as a PDF or use Illustrator (proven to work very well) (it is on the VAST lab computers if you don't have it), create a document 36" by height + 2", then use File->Place to insert your document. You can then do "Save As" and switch the file type to PDF.

If your computer is not configured you can physically take the PDF file to the VCC and open it in Acrobat (or Reader? whatever it's called these days). Switch the printer to vcpltg for glossy ($0.25 more per foot, not bad for the shiny effect). I think the checkboxes are something like:
"Automatically select paper size"
"Allow use of custom sizes"
 Select both of those and the rulers in the preview should update to be your document's size. Then you should be able to send it.

The printouts show up rolled in the racks on the right side of the VCC building, near the glass-enclosed classroom on that side. In general, they will put obviously bad printouts up without saying anything, but you can get a refund if there was a problem on their end by going to the help desk.

Print soon as other students across the campus will be vying for this printer soon.

Related Readings:
final project research readings


13. Phase VII & Formal Group Presentation
due Nov 20 (second to last class)

* Your printed project summary in .doc format with summation image

* Play Testing Summary results and Recommendations

* preliminary high quality edited high def. 1920 x 1080, H264 mp4 video trailer of game play. Please include your title, overview, interaction, gameplay and credits. This video will be used to judge whether your game gets into the competition.

* order all gear for Gamefest in advance for April 26, 2014

Related Readings: final project research readings


14. Thanksgiving Break Enjoy, but polish up your work


15. Phase VIII Formal Group Presentation LAST CLASS 
due Dec 4 (last class of the semester)

All perfected work due this day.  NO EXCEPTIONS

Please ensure that all work is spell checked

All work must be printed and also submitted on a labeled DVD :

* Your Final Project and all elements including all art, programming code, files, etc.
* Printed and digital posters
* Printed and digital Final Game Design Document
* Printed and digital project summary in .doc format with summation image
* Printed and digital final user Evaluation Testing Summary and Recommendations

* High quality edited high def. 1920 x 1080, H264 mp4 video trailer of game play. Please include your title, overview, interaction, gameplay and credits. This video will be used to judge whether your game gets into the Gamefest competition.

 Gamefest will be April 26, 2014

* Place all your work from the semester onto your DVD including all short studies, reading and event reactions.

* Also ensure all work is uploaded to the class dropbox.