As we go on with our everyday routine at RPI we tend to not notice
the stigma that is always around us. The first thought that may come
to mind is of how boring Troy can be. Even though this statement may
be partly correct, it is not the stigma I am speaking of. The stigma I am
speaking of is that of EMAC being an easy major in comparison to
engineering. Of course EMAC may be easier than engineering but
there is nothing easy about being creative as well as innovative at the
same time. Every major has its own difficulty within it.
The premise of this public art installation is to show two different
perspectives on both Engineering and EMAC majors at RPI. Those
students who are EMAC majors are constantly looked down upon by
engineering majors. As an EMAC major I have heard many jokes
pertaining to my major. I took the opportunity of this public installation
to show these two different perspectives. I displayed the perspective of
how EMAC majors feel about engineering majors and how they feel
about their own majors as well as vice versa. I was able to do this
through the use of altered traffic signs and display them in a busy
walkway where both students and faculty could be able to see it.