
It is a blessing to be at the bottom. Infinite potential, infinite aspirations. You are free from everything, because you have nothing to lose. Your eyes rose to the heavens. Your heart is set to conquer all that lies before you. There is no where to go but up, or out. But do you want it to end like this?



Trapped in a moment of glory. Nowhere to go but down, in this moment, you are perfect, and you'll never be better. There is nothing to do but leave or fall, little Icarus. Your wings are melting, your beauty is fleeting, and your time is over.


Ascent 1:

The sun shines down on you, that final goal, almost tangible, blinding in its beauty. The climb is long, and your victory over gravity is uncertain, But do you really want to give up now?


Descent 1:

The wind graces your tired shoulders with a soft embrace. Within this embrace lies a malignant promise. You will fall, you have been let go, there is a bottom, and you will strike it. Perhaps you will cut your losses? or try to save what you have built?


Ascent 2:

You have chosen the pursuit of the beautiful. You will not be slowed by lack of will. Your only enemy is the path you have chosen and gravity. Upon this path you will find your goals. But, will it be such a good thing after all?


Descent 2:

There is some beauty in freefall, all pressure removed, all responsibility. For this one moment you are free of everything. You have found enlightenment, existing for only the sake of existing. Will you try to save yourself? Or will you leave?


Ascent 3:

The object of your desire is within your grasp. The pull of gravity gives way, and you rush towards the object of your desire. The journey has been long, and your chances to leave many. But what will you do once you reach the top?


Descent 3:

Your freefall has become a downward spiral. You pick up speed, your fall setting fire to your wings, all your bridges burning behind you. Everything has fallen apart, and in this moment you have become the effigy of your struggle. The anathema of your desire. What will it be like at the bottom?

