Short Study 1 -

Observer or Observed?: Micro/Macro Surveillance (Due week 2, Jan 26)


Concepts: Surveillance- macro/micro, the digital gaze

Issues: Who is looking? Why? Where?
Surveillance has been an object of cultural fascination since the mid-twentieth century. At first, it was seen as a menacing specter of government or corporate power, but in recent years surveillance has begun to appear increasingly harmless, friendly, even desirable. Surveillance is now represented not only as a technology of military and police control but also as a form of entertainment (reality TV) and as a way of making life more convenient (dashboard GPS devices). This shift has paralleled a dramatic rise in the sophistication and pervasiveness of surveillance through such technologies as Web cams, biometric identification systems, geographic information systems, and data mining.


On-line study: find images of ways in which you are being looked at.

History/Theory: Contol of the gaze. Jeremy Bentham The Panopticon


Does privacy exist?




Visionary, 1997
Sally Weare


The Iconos space satellite was bought by the US Military- this private company had supplied views of the earth to the public worldwide. It has 1 meter resolution - that is 3 feet - enough to see what you are wearing! "The world's most powerful civilian spacecraft", built by Lockheed Martin for Space Imaging is now a US Military craft.

What are the ramifications of this purchase? Why do some want to see, while others want us not to see? During the 1960's & 70's, activists used the saying "the whole world is watching" when photographic and video cameras were used for documentation of events for civil and human rights. We now have the tools to see almost everywhere on the face of the globe, but we do not have access to the visual data.

Image resources:

Google Earth

Articles of interest:

Flexing Muscle, China Destroys Satellite in Test
The successful test of an antisatellite weapon signals China’s resolve to play a major role in military space activities.


Wherever humans go microbes will surely follow, and the Space Station is no exception.


The National Library of Medicine's Visible Human Project
The Visible Human Project is the creation of anatomically detailed, three-dimensional
representations of normal male and female human bodies. The Visible Human Project has generated over 18000 digitized sections of the body.

The Visible Human Project - Visible Gallery
... Visible Human Project ® Gallery. The collection of images appearing here is
a small sample of images from the Visible Human Project ® male dataset. ...