Professor Kathleen Ruíz       Suggested Reading List                                2001


Crary, Jonathan. Techniques of the Observer: On Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century. Mass.: MIT Press, Cambridge, 1990.


Pesce, Mark. The Playful World: How Technology is Transforming Our Imagination, New York: Balantine, 2000.


Lunenfeld, Peter. Snap to Grid: A User's Guide to Digital Arts, Media, and Cultures, Boston, The MIT Press, 2000.


Virilio, Paul. The Information Bomb, New York: Verso, 2000.


Prisoner's Dilemma/John Von Neumann, Game Theory and the Puzzle of the Bomb by William Poundstone


Turkle, Sherry. Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet, 1998.


Spalter, Ann Morgan. The Computer in the Visual Arts. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 1999.


Anders, Peter. Envisioning Cyberspace: Designing 3-D Electronic Spaces

(October 1998) McGraw-Hill; ISBN: 0070016321.


Morse, Margret. Virtualities : Television, Media Art, and Cyberculture

            (Theories of Contemporary Culture). Indiana Univ Pr; ISBN: 0253211778


Seinie, Harriet F. & Webster, Sally, eds. Critical Issues in Public Art: Content, Context, and Controversy. New York: HarperCollins Publishers. 1992.


Hollands, Robin. The Virtual Reality Homebrewer’s Handbook. West Suxxex, England:1996.


Jacobs, Karrie.  "Robobabes: Why Girls Don’t Play Video Games", in I.D. May/June, 1994.


Kantrowitz, Barbara.  "Men, Women & Computers" in Newsweek, May 16, 1994, pp. 48-52.


Tannen, Deborah.  "Gender Gap in Cyberspace" in Newsweek, May 16, 1994, p. 52-53.



Moser, Mary Anne and MacLeod, Douglas. Immersed in Technology: Art and Virtual Environments. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1996.


Benedict, Michael. Cyberspace: First Steps. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1994.


Stephenson, Neal. Snow Crash, New York, Bantam Spectra, 1996.

            Late Night VRML with Java. New York: Ziff-Davis Press, 1997.


Boyer, Christine, Cybercities, Labrinths of the Mind and the City, Cambridge, Mass., The MIT Press, 1997.


Baudrillard, Jean.  Simulations. Semiotext(e), Inc., New York:Columbia University,  1983.

                        The Ecstasy of Communication. Semiotext(e), New York: 1988.

                        Xerox and Infinity. London, England: 1988.


Lyotard, Jean-Francois.  “Can thought exist without a body?”. In The Inhuman. Stanford, California:  Stanford University Press, 1991.

            The Postmodern Condition: A Report of Knowledge. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,1984.


Malraux, André.  “Museum Without Walls”. In The Voices of Silence. New Jersey: Princeton University Press,  1978.


Virilio, Paul. 

            The Lost Dimension. New York, Semiotext(e), Inc., New York: Columbia University, 1991.

            The Aesthetics of Disappearance. New York, Semiotext(e), Inc., New York: Columbia University, 1991.


Benjamin, Walter.

             "The Work of Art in the Age of  Mechanical Reproduction.” In Illuminations. New York: Schocken, 1969.

            "The Author as Producer". In Art After Modernism: Rethinking Representation. B. Wallis, ed., New York: The New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1984.


Sand, Michael.  Metamorphoses: Photography in the Electronic Age. New York: Aperture, 1994.


Postman, Neil.  Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology. New York: Vintage Books, 1993.


Maxwell, Delle  “The Emperor’s New Art?” In Computers in Art & Design.  Isaac V. Kerlow, ed. New York, ACM, 1991.


Penley, Constance,  Ross, Andrew  eds., Technoculture. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,  1991.


Vitz, Paul C. & Arnold B.Glimcher.  Modern Art & Modern Science: The Parallel Analysis of Vision. New York: Praeger, 1984.


Kandinsky, Wassily.  Concerning the Spiritual in Art. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1977.


Mitchell, William J.  The Reconfigured Eye. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1992.


Mitchell, W. J. T. Iconology: Image, Text, Ideology. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press,  1986.


Bender, Gretchen & Druckery, Timothy. Culture on the Brink.


Staniszewski,  Mary Anne. Believing Is Seeing: Creating the Culture of Art.


O'Donnell, James Joseph. Avatars of the Word : From Papyrus to Cyberspace. Harvard University Press


Holtzman, Steven R. Digital Mosaics: The Aesthetics of Cyberspace


Dodsworth, Clark Jr.. Digital Illusion: Entertaining the Future with High Technology.


Stange, Maren.  Symbols of Ideal Life, Social Documentary Photography in America, 1890-1950. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1989


Pimentel, Ken & Teixeira, Kevin.  Virtual Reality: through the new looking glass. New York: Intel/Sindcrest/McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993.


Rheingold,  Howard. Virtual Reality. New York: Simon & Schuster Inc.,  1991.


Popper, Frank.  Art of the Electronic Age. Thames & Hudson Ltd., Harry Abrams Inc., 1993.


Emmer, Michele  ed.,  The Visual Mind. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,  1993.


Goodman, Cynthia.   Digital Visions. New York: Harry Abrams, Inc. & the Everson Museum of Art, 1987. 


Gibson, William.  Neuromancer. New York: Ace Book, 1984.


Ritchin, Fred. In Our Own Image. New York: Aperture, 1990.


Baxandall, Michael.  Painting & Experience in 15th Century Italy, A Primer in the Social History of Pictorial Style. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972.


Berger, John.  Ways of Seeing. London, British Broadcasting Corp. & Penguin Books,  1972.


Burger, Peter.  Theory of the Avant-Garde. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984.


Negroponte, Nicholas.  Being Digital. New York:, Alfred A. Knopf, 1995.


Critical Art Ensemble, The Electronic Disturbance. Brooklyn, New York:  Autonomedia, 1994.


Omura, Koichi  &  Kawaguchi,Yochiro & Noji, Suma.  Computer Graphics in Japan.

            Tokyo, Japan: Graphic-Sha Publishing, 1985.


Ashton, Dore.   20th Century Artists on Artists. New York: Pantheon Books,  1985.


Schwartz, Lillian.  The Computer Artist’s Handbook. New York/London: W. W. Norton & Co.,  1992.


Gombrich, E.H.   Art & Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1960.


Foster, Hal ed.  The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture. Seattle, Wash.: Port Townsend, Bay Press, 1983.


Arnheim, Rudolph.  

            Art & Visual Perception: A Psychology of the Creative Eye.  Berkely: University of California Press,  1974.     

            Entropy & Art: An Essay on Disorder & Order. Los Angeles, Ca.: University of California Press,  1971.

Visual Thinking. Berkeley & Los Angeles, Ca.: University of California Press,  1969.    


Laurel, Brenda. The Art of Human Computer Interface Design. New York: Addison Wesley, 1990.


Hill , F. S.  Jr. Computer Graphics. New York: MacMillan, 1990.


Franke, Herbert W.  Computer Graphics, Computer Art. Oxford, England: Phaidon, 1971 revised ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1986.


Truckenbrod, Joan.  Creative Computer Imagery. New York: Prentice Hall,  1990.


Reichardt, Jasia.  Cybernetic Serendipity. New York: Praeger, 1968.          


Friedhoff, Richard Mark  & Benzon, Walter.  The Second Computer Revolution: Visualization. New York, Harry N.   Abrams, Inc., 1989.


Lansdown, John  & Earnshaw, Rae A.  eds., Computers in Art, Design & Animation. New York: Springer-Verlag,  1989.


Loveless, Richard L.  The Computer Revolution. Tampa Fla.: University of South Florida Press, 1989.   


Gips, Terry  ed. Art Journal, Fall 1990, Vol. 49, No.3, New York: The College Art Association, 1990.


Cohen, Brown, Jeans, Wendling. Professional Studio Techniques - Design Essentials (for Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator). MountainView, Ca.: Adobe Press,  1993.


Barthes, Roland. 

            "The Structuralist Activity," in R. and F. DeGeorge, eds., The Structuralists from Marx to Levi-Strauss.  Garden City, NY: Doubleday,1972.

             "The Wisdom of Art" In: R. Barthes, The Responsibility of Forms. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985.


Habermas, Jurgen.

             "Modernity-An Incomplete Project". In: H. Foster, ed., The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture. Port Townsend: Bay Press, 1983.

            On Society and Politics, A Reader, The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,  1987.


Heidegger, Martin.  "The Age of the World Picture". In: M. Heidegger, The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays.     New York: Harper & Row, 1977.


Kelly, Mary.  "Re-viewing Modernist Criticism". In: B. Wallis, ed., Art After Modernism:Rethinking Representation. New York: The New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1984.


Buren, Daniel.  "The Function of the Studio". In: October: The First Decade:1976-1986. Cambridge: MIT-Press, 1987.


Douglas Crimp, "The Art of Exhibition". In: October: The First Decade:1976-1986. Cambridge: MIT-Press, 1987.


Deleuze, Gilles /Felix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1988. (Chapter 14: The Smooth and the Striated)


West, Cornel  "Black Culture and Postmodernism", In: B. Kruger and P. Mariani, eds., Remaking History. (Discussions in     Contemporary Culture) Seattle: Seattle Bay Press, 1989.


Birkets, Sven.  The Gutenberg Elegies (The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age). Boston: Faber & Faber, 1994.


Davis, Stan.  The Monster Under the Bed (How Business is Mastering the Opportunity of Knowledge for Profit), New York:     Simon &Schuster, 1994.


Jacobs, Karrie.  “Robobabes: Why Girls Don’t Play Video Games”, in I.D. May/June, 1994.


Kantrowitz, Barbara.  “Men, Women & Computers” in Newsweek, May 16, 1994, pp. 48-52.


Tannen, Deborah.  “Gender Gap in Cyberspace” in Newsweek, May 16, 1994, p. 52-53.


Trukle, Sherry. Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet. New York:  Simon & Schuster, 1995.


Stone, Allucquere, Rosanne. The War of Desire and Technology at the Close of the Mechanical Age. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1995.


Huyssen, Andreas.  After the Great Divide: Modernism, Mass Culture, Postmodernism. Indianapolis: Indiana Univesity Press 1986.


Foucault, Michael.   The Foucault Reader. “What is Enlightenment?”, “Truth and Power”, N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1984.


Debord, Guy.  Society of the Spectacle. Detroit: Black & Red,  1983.


Kelly, Kevin & Adam Heilbrun. “Virtual Reality: An Interview with Jaron Lanier”, The Whole Earth Catalog. Cali.: 1993.

Reality Check with Jaron Lanier


Dodsworth, Clark Jr., Digital Illusion: Entertaining the Future with High Technology, Addison Wellsley, 1998.


Brook, James & Boal, Iain A. eds., Resisting the Virtual Life. San Francisco: City Lights Books,  1995.




"JavaScript for the World Wide Web, Second Edition"

by Tom Negrinao and Dori Smith


"HTML 4 for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide"

by Elizabeth Castro


"Web Style Guide: Basic Design Principles for Creating Web


by Patrick J. Lynch and Sarah Horton


"HTML: The Definitive Guide"

by Chuck Musciano and Bill Kennedy; edited by Mike Loukides


"The Little Web Cam Book"

by Elisabeth Parker; illustrated by John Grimes




by Neal Stephenson


"Pure JavaScript"

by R. Allen Wyke, Jason D. Gilliam, and Charlton Ting


"Photoshop 5 Bible: Gold Edition"

by Deke McClelland


"Advanced 3D Photorealism Techniques"

by Bill Fleming


"3-D Human Modeling and Animation"

by Peter Ratner

"JavaScript for the World Wide Web"
by Tom Negrino and Dori Smith
JavaScript is great, but at best it is a complementary language for Web development. "JavaScript for the World Wide Web" offers a productive, how-to style that lets you solve a problem or pick up a trick and then move on with the rest of your work.


"Dreamweaver Hands-On Training"
by Lynda Weinman, Publication date: July 2000
This new edition features a brand-new chapter on the latest Dreamweaver developments, such as how to use plug-ins, and lots of information on the other newest Dreamweaver features such as the HTML-styles palette, the expanded objects palette, and the automatic application of HTML tags--eliminating your dependency on Cascading Style Sheets.

"HTML 4 Bible, Second Edition"
by Bryan Pfaffenberger, Publication date: July 2000
With a companion CD-ROM chock-full of the latest browsers (Amaya, Netscape, Internet Explorer, and Opera), the second edition of the "HTML 4 Bible" will have you well versed on the latest developments to the standard for Web-page construction. The rules of HTML 4.01 allow you to create XHTML documents. Other highlights include integration with SMIL, MathML, and SVG/


"Website Graphics Now"

by Noel Douglas, Geert J. Strengholt, and Willem Velthoven


"Real World Bryce "

by Susan A. Kitchens and Victor Gavenda


"Designing Exceptional Websites: Secrets of an Information

Architect" by Jakob Nielsen


"The Art and Science of Digital Compositing"

by Ron Brinkmann
for Wow Series books for real-world projects, tips, and solutions


Digital Compositing in Depth : The Only Guide to Post Production for Visual Effects in Film
by Doug Kelly
The Coriolis Group; ISBN: 1576104311


Adobe Acrobat Classroom in a Book (The Classroom in a Book Series)
by Adobe Creative Team, Adobe Development Team
Adobe Press; ISBN: 1568304765


Premiere for Macintosh and Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide
by Anthony Bolante

Peachpit Press; ISBN: 0201354756


Adobe Premiere  Classroom in a Book
by Adobe Creative Team, Adobe Development Team

Adobe Creek Pubns; ISBN: 1568304676


Adobe Photoshop Classroom in a Book, Special Web Edition
by Adobe Creative Team

Adobe Press; ISBN: 020165895X


Flash Creative Web Animation
by Derek Franklin, Brooks Patton

Peachpit Press; ISBN: 0201354705


"Flash Web Design"
by Hillman Curtis

"XML by Example"
by Benoit Marchal

"Graphics, Animation & Interactivity with Flash 4.0"
by James L. Mohler


The QuickTime VR Book : Creating Immersive Imaging on Your Desktop

by Susan A. Kitchens Peachpit Pr; ISBN: 0201696843


Graham, IanS. HTML Sourcebook, A Complete Guide to HTML 3.0, end ed. John Wiley & Sons, 1996.


De Goes, John,& Lampton, Christopher F.. Cutting-Edge 3d Game Programming With C++ (August 1996) The Coriolis Group; ISBN: 1883577705


 Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Baker , the University of Illinois Computer Graphics, C Version, 2/ePublished May 1996 by Engineering/Science/Mathematics, Copyright 1997, 652 pp.Cloth ISBN: 0-13-530924-7


Damer, Bruce. Avatars!: Exploring and Building Virtual Worlds on the Internet. Peachpit Press, 1998.


Cutting-Edge 3d Game Programming With C++

by John De Goes, John Degoes, Christopher F. Lampton


Lemay, Laura. Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML 3.2 in a Week, 3rd ed. Publishing, 1996.


Weiman,Lynda. Deconstructing Web Graphics 2. New Riders, 1997.


Ames, Andrea L.; Nadeau, David R.; and Moreland, John L.. VRML 2.0 Sourcebook.

            New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1997.


Hartman, Jed; Wernecke, Josie; and Carrie, Rikk. The VRML Handbook : Building Moving Worlds on the Web. New York:  Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 1996.


Roehl, Bernie; Couch, Justin; Reed-Ballreich, Cindy; Rohaly, Tim; and Brown, Geoff.

            Late Night VRML 2.0 with Java. New York: Ziff-Davis Press, 1997.


Hollands, Robin. The Virtual Reality Homebrewer’s Handbook. West Suxxex, England:1996.