
vector based personal logo


Lecture topic: Identity:

Who are we?


How we identify ourselves:

Most of us identify ourselves as unique individuals by:


* the color of our hair

* the hairstyle we wear

* the clothes we wear

* jewelry we adorn on our bodies

* logos we advertise

* icons and objects we carry on a daily basis


What kinds of symbols, icons, or images do you wear or carry to identify you as a unique person? Do those objects denote underlying systems of beliefs, ideologies or questions?



Plenary exercise: Logo count





How do others identify us?

Face, (shape, eyes, mouth)

Voice (accent)





Possibly ethnicity or race







1.     Black People Love Us

2.     Coco Fusco

3.     Fred Wilson

4.     Kara Walker interview

5.     Adrian Piper Interview

6.      Looting vs Finding


7.     Orlan
     Gillian Wearing article

9.     Barbie Liberation Organization and

10.   Guerrilla Girls slide

11.    Barbara Kruger

12.    Cindy Sherman 




The Logo:


Logos: logos / [loh-gos, -gohs, log-os]



1. often initial capital letter Philosophy. the rational principle that governs and develops the universe.



2. Theology. the divine word or reason incarnate in Jesus Christ. John 1:1–14.

[Origin: 1580–90; < Gk lógos a word, saying, speech, discourse, thought, proportion, ratio, reckoning, akin to légein to choose, gather, recount, tell over, speak; cf. lection]


LO·GO n. A programming language developed for teaching young children. Elementary exercises involve drawing geometric shapes.


n. pl. lo·gos

A name, symbol, or trademark designed for easy and definite recognition, especially one borne on a single printing plate or piece of type.

[Short for logogram, and logotype.]


Lo·gos n.

1.                 Philosophy.

a.                In pre-Socratic philosophy, the principle governing the cosmos, the source of this principle, or human reasoning about the cosmos.

b.                Among the Sophists, the topics of rational argument or the arguments themselves.

c.                In Stoicism, the active, material, rational principle of the cosmos; nous. Identified with God, it is the source of all activity and generation and is the power of reason residing in the human soul.

2.                 Judaism.

a.                In biblical Judaism, the word of God, which itself has creative power and is God's medium of communication with the human race.

b.                In Hellenistic Judaism, a hypostasis associated with divine wisdom.

3.                 Christianity. In Saint John's Gospel, especially in the prologue (1:1-14), the creative word of God, which is itself God and incarnate in Jesus. Also called Word.



Pathos: pathos / [pey-thos, -thohs, -thaws]


1.the quality or power in an actual life experience or in literature, music, speech, a work of art, or other forms of expression, of evoking a feeling of pity or compassion.



2.pity. "the film captured all the pathos of their situation"



3.Obsolete. suffering.

[Origin: 1570–80; < Gk páthos suffering, sensation]


ethos / / Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ee-thos, ee-thohs, eth-os, -ohs]



1.Sociology. the fundamental character or spirit of a culture; the underlying sentiment that informs the beliefs, customs, or practices of a group or society; dominant assumptions of a people or period: In the Greek ethos of  the individual was highly valued.



2.the character or disposition of a community, group, person, etc.



3.the moral element in dramatic literature that determines a character's action rather than his or her thought or emotion.


[Origin: 1850–55; < Gk: custom, habit, character]






Vector based Graphics:







Super Flat Art:

Takashi Murakami


Student Work:




Visiting artist: none



Not required, but interesting if you have time:
Sturken/Cartwright 6

Consumer Culture and the Manufacturing of Desire


Studio skills: imagination in vector based imaging, tracing, layers, color, file prep, printing, and display


Getting Started in Adobe Illustrator:



Create a unique personal logo vector image ID Tag by considering material covered in the lecture, the film and in studio work. 


Task: Using vector based graphics only, you will create an original id tag for your computer or luggage that sets it apart from others and identifies it uniquely as yours.



* 1 original personally based logo, printed and displayed on your computer or luggage.

* This could be a sticker or a hang tag not less than 3.5 x 3.5 inches.

* 1 intact, vector based logo file in .ai file format


Grading Criteria:

1. Assignment completed on-time

2. Adherence to at least the size and file format specifications

3. Appropriate use of Illustrator tools.

4. Exploration and application of creative tools in Illustrator.

5. Quality and clarity of class presentation

6. Quality, originality, relevance and relation to you personally as an individual.