Final Projects


The final project is a purposeful work which resonates a particular issue or idea you have a strong desire to create. It is a high quality project that will be the highlight for your portfolio website.


The artist statement and image sketches begin the development of your individual ideas and starts the trajectory towards the final project.  It utilizes the techniques, theory and history learned in class and in individual research. It is, in essence, an overview of what you wish to create for the final project which is 16% of the final grade.


You are required to articulate your final project in an artist statement of from one to two paragraphs which illuminates your idea and what you want to construct, clearly stating your concept, methodology and at least 5 bibliographic references/influences.

Sample 1.

Sample 2.


Your artist statement and sketch must be approved by your TA or by Prof. Ruiz before you commence work on it. It is highly recommended that you get approval for your work BEFORE Thanksgiving break so you can focus on refining your ideas and the creation of the work over the break.
We will be conducting pre reviews of final project ideas November 27, 28. All final project work is due  Dec 4. This project along with all your perfected short studies will go into your web portfolio due Dec. 5. ABSOLUTELY NO EXTENSIONS ON THIS DUE DATE.