Neat Freak

NeatFreak is the title given to a man that cleans up the street while fighting grime. He constantly wears a hazmat suit because he doesn’t want to get into direct contact with the microscopic hazards of the outside world. Thus, he is always in costume and can clear up a mess on a moment’s notice. When he is not fighting crime, he cleans the city from filth that it seems to constantly be in, whether it is to place liter in the trash cans or recycle bin, wash the windows of the tallest skyscrapers, or giving all the stray cats a bath. His way of thinking is, “If I don’t do it, who will?” Before you say the city’s sanitary department, they always leave at least seven germs on the pebbles in the children’s playground on the east side.

His main ability is that he can identify specific dirt particles or scents from a specific object or person and use it to track the person down. He is also has an arsenal of weapons kept within a pouch in the suit, which includes an extendable handle that can have a broom, mop or duster at the end, soap, disinfectants, and sponges. These weapons are also used on the criminals on the street.