Lecture topic:



See Lesson on Motion




Simple, but “moving” animated gifs


image022.gif    image021.gif







Stop Action Animation


Stop Action Animation is an animation technique which makes static objects appear to move. Stop motion is used to produce the animated movements of ANY objects, such as toys, blocks, dolls, etc. If desired, we will permit the use of stop action drawn animation as well for this assignment.


All animation, including all stop motion, requires a camera that can expose single frames. It works by shooting a single frame of an object, then moving the object slightly, then shooting another frame. When the film runs continuously at 24 frames per second, the illusion of fluid motion is created and the objects appear to move by themselves. This is similar to the animation of cartoons, but using real objects instead of drawings.


Probably the most passive form of stop motion is time lapse animation in which a stop motion camera is simply clicked (manually or via an intermittent control device called an intervolometer) to take a frame of film as each period of time lapses, as natural objects of nature and mankind move of their own accord, non-interfered with by the animator. The most common uses for time lapse stop-motion animation movie photography are moving clouds, seen daily during weather forecasts in moving satellite imagery, the speeding up of the growth of plants, and stars as they appear to "rotate" around the Earth.



PEN Story in stop motion. ..shot 60.000 pictures, developed 9.600 prints and shot over 1.800 pictures again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9Et7UQh1tg


Animator vs Animation



Amazing Stop Motion Animations: http://www.darkstrider.net/gallery2a.html


The d. i. y. animation workshop

Foil Spiderman stop action movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lTuSFILCp4&NR


MUTO a wall painted by BLU





Vintage Claymation:



Claymation info: http://www.animateclay.com/


Roger, an example of stop motion

image011.jpg  The Windmill Boy Trailer




Watercolor animation: Jeff Scher




Stop Motion Pro http://www.stopmotionpro.com/whatis_1.htm

Tutorials: http://www.stopmotionpro.com/assets/resources/tutorials/SMP_canon_compact_start.html



Brent Green

Stop action animation: sorry, I’m Late:


Screenings: William Kentridge


Readings: read this page and its links





Studio skills: Photographing motion, animation, storytelling, drama, creativity, expression with moving objects



Project: Create a stop action animation using any methodology. Suggested methodologies are below. Photograph a series of still sequential motions of objects, or claymation, or a series of interrelated paper or digital drawings. The basic idea here is to create motion using still frames. Be aware of lighting and camera angle to make your animation come to life.


* Use a tripod or steady yourself

* Use a good quality camera (the maximum size to work with for this study is approximately 2800 pixels wide max and be less than 1mb

* Beware of light and use good lighting techniques

* later on you can also experiment with moving around the object as well as moving the object itself.


Basic how-to for stop action anim:



You can many different techniques:

* photoshop animation (see below for specifics)or

* for PC users Windows Movie Maker or

* for Mac users imovie http://www.apple.com/ilife/tutorials/ or  Frame Thief http://framethief.com/ or

* AnimatorDV or

* StopMotionPro computer software designed for stop motion animation - traditional cel, claymation, cutout or experimental techniques.



If using  Photoshop animation please remember:

Place all your stop action images into a folder.

* In Photoshop CS4: Go to: File | Scripts | Load Files into Stack...

* Select: Use Folder

* Browse and click OK to get the images in. 

* (You can try using alignment option, (but you are better off using the tripod to ensure that things align up correctly.))

*Just make sure that each image is in its own layer.

* Bring up the animation window by going to window | animation

* click the small frame icon in the lower-right corner of the animation window to toggle between the  frame window and the timeline window.

* In the animation frame window click on the duplicat frame icon (looks like the add a layer optinon) for each image you have,

* Then specify which image you want to see in each frame of your animation by turning on the visibility (clicking the "eye" icon) for just the image desired for that frame.

* Then, just set the time duration between frames to what you want and click "play" to see it.

* Then go to file, save  as a .psd

* Then go to File Export Render Video

* name your movie and select where you want to save it

*  File Options: QuickTime |  Export |  Quicktime Movie

* if you want to change the type of compression go into Settings

* you click Settings again and under Compression Type  select H.264 for web which takes up less memory.

* Document Size make sure the pixel ratio is what you  worked with.

* Range: All Frames

* Frame Rate 24fps

* Then hit Render, you have a QuickTime movie of your animation!!!


Some student examples:

Stop action animation project  by MS:I student Tom Kinstrey











Task: Considering the lectures in plenary and in studio and your personal explorations of the animated image, create a minimum 36 frame animation. Use the criteria above for guidance.


Deliverables: a minimum of 36 frames (.5 seconds @ 12 fps minimum) of your original animated sequence in .WMV (windows Media Player) or .MOV (QuickTime) format


Grading Criteria:

1. Assignment completed on-time.

2. Adherence to the size and file format specifications

3. Appropriate use of animation

4. Exploration and application of creative tools in creating animation

5. Quality and clarity of class presentation

6. Quality of Inventiveness, expression, and imagination in your animated stop motion