Michael Holtzman
Artist Statement

My final project presents the user with an interface to a virtual casino. I enjoy going to casinos, as well as playing several online casino games. Casinos give people who try to "hit it big", a sense of thrill and excitement. Though that is always my goal, I also enjoy just going and playing small, just seeing if I can beat the casino. I wanted my project to give users the same sense of excitement, even though they are only in front of a computer and not at the Mirage in Vegas. My project must be both informative as well as exciting to the users for them to enjoy it.

My virtual casino will give the user the opportunity to explore several popular casino games including craps, roulette, and the slot machines. Users will be able to see and interact with these games from not only their vantage points, but several others including the dealer perspective and the "eye in the sky camera".

Another theme I wanted to illustrate to users is the different playing strategies for playing several of these games. There are a lot of books that deal with this issue of playing strategies, but I felt it might be more useful if the user could actually see these tactics in action.
