Henry Letteron
Mike Sebra

We have created a semi-interactive world where the user takes on the role of our main character, Cable Bob. In this story, Cable Bob embarks on a trip to space to correct a failing TV signal. To accomplish this goal, we have built several individual scenes and linked them together in a story-like fashion. This has permitted us the opportunity to maximize our scenes without being overly limited by the polygon count. Our project consists of six separate worlds, which when traversed sequentially, play out the tale of Cable Bob's adventure.

The story starts off on Earth where Bob is watching TV. Static suddenly takes over the screen, indicating a satellite interruption, and the end of Bob's viewing enjoyment. Bob then leaves his chair and heads to the backyard. Once there, he enters into his rocket ship and blasts off to space, intent on fixing the disruption himself. Upon reaching orbit, he sees his ship about to collide with a floating space station (coincidentally the very same station that harbors the failing satellite) and is forced to eject. He then quickly fixes the erroneous satellite and takes advantage of a nearby escape pod to travel back to the Earth's atmosphere. When in the atmosphere, Cable Bob enters a state of free-fall and finally lands in his backyard by way of a parachute. He then heads inside and sees the television working fine. Cable Bob has saved the day!

To complete this project, we each created several of the scenes involved, and then directly linked the worlds together in a linear manner. The scenes have been partitioned as follows:

Henry Letteron Mike Sebra
Scene 2: Cable Bob's backyard and spaceship.
Scene 4: Cable Bob fixes the failing satellite.
Scene 5: Cable Bob free falls to Earth
Web: Intro web page
Scene 1: Cable Bob's living room with television.
Scene 3: Cable Bob in the cockpit of his spaceship.
Scene 6: Cable Bob's living room with television.

2001 a Space Odyssey - a movie directed by John Hoesli and Stanley Kubrick (1968)
Apollo 13 - a movie directed by Ron Howard (1995)
Dune - a movie directed by David Lynch (1984)
International Space Station
Mir Space Station