:: Statement ::

Absence makes the heart grows fonder. The phrase is cliched but it does not make the words any less true. I haven't been back to Malaysia in over a year and at certain moments, I'd miss home quite terribly. We, in the pursuit of wealth and advancement,usually forget the simple things that makes our lives worthwhile. It is not money or power, it is not even the gadgets we filled our living rooms with. It is the basic beauty of nature and living, of interacting with the people around us and experiencing what life has to offer. These are the things that matter. They fill our hearts with warmth and compassion and store precious memories within our minds, be it good or bad.

For the reasons above, my aim for this project is to create an image of a kampung utopia, the ideal depiction of life in a Malay village. Here, traditional and modern values coexist harmoniously where the focus is on the way of living. It will be a poster, a panoramic view of the village the way I see it or the way I want it to be. Style will be cartoonish or slightly cartoonish with the use of vibrant colors to keep the message light and probably a bit humorous.