The very idea of hell is surprisingly integrated into our being. Man is naturally fearful of things. As a result man has manifested the feeling of fear into a real place called hell. It’s a place where no hope exists, fear saturates every part of hell, the very idea sends shivers up one’s spine. The goal of our project is to create an atmoshpere of fear. Not like the fear one feels at a scary movie that they know will end in an hour. Rather it will be a disturbing fear that penetrates the soul. We draw our motivation from a number of artists. First we draw from Dante’s Inferno. We will play with the idea of hell occupying physical space and levels. But we will also play with one’s perception of physical space the properties that rule it. We will try to draw from the chaos in Hieronymous Bosch’s many paintings of hell. His spaces are especially disturbing because it protrays a mass of people yet niether can help the other. They are completely at the whim of the demons.