Christina Frolish

Cyber Arts


30 March 1999

Artists Statement & Bibliography

Artist's Statement - My Virtual Hope Chest

Throughout our lives we encounter tens of thousands of people. Each one of these people affects us in some way, whether it be a smile from a stranger or a deep long lasting friendship. The one person and relationship that has formed me and helped me grow the most in recent years is my boyfriend, Dave.

Dave and I have been together for almost two years now. He is one of the most amazing people that I have ever met. Over the past two years, I have accumulated a variety of objects and memories that track the growth and course of our relationship. Many of these objects will look silly by themselves, inconsequential and random, but each has its own meaning in this virtual hope chest.


Bible, especially Song of Solomon. NIV

Black, Clint and Ewing, Skip. "Something That We Do" Nothin' But the Taillights. BMG Entertainment, 1997.

Brooks, Garth. "The Dance" Garth Brooks. 1989.

Mahar, Lawrence and Hazel. "Someone Loves You".

Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet.