I. The Sink

The gameplay is structured around a stationary sink in the flow field. The sink corresonds to the player and absorbs surrounding fluid.

II. The Flow Field

The flow field is visualized by a background of particles whose movement is induced by the flow field itself

III. Sources

Present in the flow field are source controls which emit fluid. These sources disturb the flow field and can limit the amount of control the player has over the flow.

IV. Green Clouds

When a colored cloud is absorbed by the sink, it can either increase or decrease the progress bar. Green clouds increase the progress bar.

V. Red Clouds

Red clouds decrease it.

VI. Energy Tokens

When the progress bar fills up, an energy token is provided to the player.

VII. Level Advancement

The level is completed after all eight energy tokens have been enabled.

VIII. Vortices

The player is able to control what flows into the sink by manipulating the flow field. This is done by placing either clockwise or counterclockwise vortices. Vortices are only created on the beat. When a vortex is placed, an energy token is drained (but remains available). Energy tokens regenerate slowly and should be used sparingly.

IX. Vortex Boosts

A vortex can be added to an existing vortex or source without using any energy. A vortex placed this way is also created instantly. When more than one vortex is added to the same control, the strength of the vortex increases or decreases accordingly.