kThis project turned out to be far more challenging than originally anticipated. The project was repeatedly delayed due to numerous technical difficulties which made the completion of the cabinet far more difficult than it needed to be.

kThe marquee, as a whole, was successfully installed with very little difficulty. Unfortunately, my original measurements of the size of the marquee were off, leading to a small discrepancy between the size of the printed image and the size of the display window, forcing me to crop the topmost edge slightly so that it would fit.

The sides of the cabinet were far more difficult than originally anticipated. My relative inexperience with the medium and the inadequacy of the materials I was provided with forced me to make many changes to the original design as I progressed. However, I am ultimately pleased with the end result, as it has turned out fairly well despite difficulties.

The interface was ultimately not fully completed, as the programmer in charge of putting the interface together was unavailable for a good portion of the project. However, I was able to complete the algorithms required for the final implementation of the display, so the final interface should come together nicely as soon as the programmer's schedule clears up.