The following are short excerpts of my reaction to the readings we have written in the class.

To view my full reaction, please click the underlined title.


Old media is the physical manifestations of art in the form of paintings, sketches, as well as stories. New media is taking that to new levels on the web. Even the actual website used to showcase the art is new media. There are myriads of programs for creating art on the computer, each capable of creating totally different forms of it, whether it is three dimensional, two dimensional, music, stories, etc...

Global Warming
There is much discussion surrounding the issue of global warming in the world today. This increasing problem has sparked much debate and has spread to all mediums of communication; there are articles in the newspaper, blogs on the internet, as well as feature films about the issue. Even though information about the subject is everywhere, not enough is being done to solve the problem...

The relation of modern day photograph to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is that it, especially with the help of photo-manipulation software on computers, allows people to create distorted versions of reality. Just as the shadows cast from the puppets on the cave gave the people a false version of reality, changing and edition photographs can do the same. As we edit photos, we are creating our own reality, or our own puppets, and chain the people looking at them to chairs just like in the allegory...

Bio art is art created in laboratories or art studios where the subject is a living object or once living object. People that do bio art consider themselves artists, but some people, including me, feel that they are more scientists than artists. To me, it seems like they are simply documenting lab results or other scientific objects instead of creating art...

I agree with Drexler for his ideas about nanotechnology. I feel that the use of nanotechnology and molecular assemblers is inevitable. There is so much power in this field that can solve so many of the world’s problems, but on the other hand, have the potential to being disastrous and destroying the world we know and love...

Nanomeme Syndrome
Nanotechnology is no doubt the future of science. Modern day science is working towards a specific thing and that is the application of nanotechnology and nanotech products. Nanotechnology gave birth to nanoscience has the potential to solve so many problems the world has, but it is important to distinguish what is feasible and what is not...

From Sun Tzu to Xbox
The United States Army made a great decision in choosing to make a videogame as a form as advertisement. This is a genius idea because there is nothing better to attract the teenage population than a free videogame. In a sense, everyone is happy. The kids get a good, free game, game developers get a job working for the government, and the army gets plenty of exposure and possibly more recruits...